History Resources
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General Ideas for Secondary History Lessons
How did the Nazis ensure that the youth of Nazi Germany were exposed to Nazi ideas? How did they use the youth of Germany to spread Nazi values/ideas?
The powerpoint below explores some of the propoganda techniques used by the Nazis to indoctrinate German youth. Millions of German young people were won over to Nazism in the classroom and through extracurricular activities.
Pre War History
The Nuremburg Laws were the anti-Semitic laws introduced in Nazi Germany to help bureaucrats distinguish Jews from Mischlinge (mixed race persons) and Aryans.
Nuremberg laws also made it forbidden for Jews to marry or have a relationship with Aryans or employ young Aryan women as household help. (An Aryan being a person of Germanic heritage).
These PowerPoint downloads below illustrate the division instituted by Dr. Achin Gercke between Aryans and non-Aryans. Jews (defined as anyone with at least one Jewish grandparent) were deprived of citizenship.
The Nuremburg Laws
Prepare a glossary sheet containing words appropriate to the particular testimony you intend pupils to examine. It can contain general words associated with the holocaust that pupils may not yet have encountered, but should also include new words specific to the testimony pupils will be examining. This will allow pupils to access the information in the testimony more easily.
You could use the definitions pupils create later on when creating mind-maps (or other activities) of individual survivors and their experiences as a way to individualise different experiences of the holocaust.